I've been tagged by Relsi.. so here goes.. and make sure you read carefully cause your name might just have been tagged next!
A - Available/Single? Married
B- Best Friend? Paulie
C- Cake or Pie? Cake
D - Drink Of Choice? Coke (but I try not to drink it)
E - Essential Item You Use Everyday? My Brain (doesn't always work efficiently but I do try to use it)
F - Favorite Color? Blue
G - Gummy Bears Or Worms? Hmm Don't really like either but I guess Gummi Bears
H - Home or Homesick? Home.
I - Indulgence? Being a SAHM
J - January Or February? February - Getting closer to Autumn
K - Kids & Their Names? Bennett
L - Life Is Incomplete Without? My family
M - Marriage date? 26 March 2000
N - Number Of Siblings? Nada
O - Oranges Or Apples? Oranges if we are talking Juicing, Apples to eat
P - Phobias/Fears? too many to mention but the medication works well
Q - Favorite Quote: I'll have to come back to this one as I am actually working on a CJ to do with quotes ans I'm still stuck on taht too. Although seeing as I am at letter Q and I just realised we are going through the alphabet, maybe an apted quote would be from yours truely at uni when one of my friends said the best thing about Australias Funniest Home Videos is Misfortune and and Jobeth Taylor I said Miss Who?
R-Real Hair Color? brown
S - Season? Spring.
T - Tag 3 or 4 people? Better go check see who hasn't been tagged yet LOL Ok I tag TARASIMONE, BEX (KIWISCRAPPER) and ZANE (seeing as she hasn't blogged since 7th SEPT!!!)
U - Unknown Fact About Me? HMM.. dunno what do you want to know?
V - Vegetable you don’t like? Onions
W - Worst Habit? Biting my nails and eatingeverything insight
X - X-rays You’ve Had? Hmm maybe a finger, knee and teeth thats about it I think.
Y - Your Favorite Food? Indian and Mexican
Z - Zodiac Sign? Libra